A new model of catechesis
The model of catechises moved from that of teacher- pupil in the past to a community of friends.
Age groups
- 6-10 groups
- 11-16 groups or teenagers
- 17-21 groups or young adults
- 22+ groups – all adults
A SPRED group has a catechist for each friend. Normally each group has 8 volunteers and 6 friends.
A Session 
Each session has 3 parts
- the preparation period
- the celebration
- the sharing of food
Preparation Room
A preparation room is carefully prepared with soft lighting, quiet music and activities that help people focus and settle down peacefully.
A Celebration Room
A celebration room has a semi circle of chairs arranged around the Word, the candle, the flowers. A place for each one.
The SPRED session ends with a sharing of food.